Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Scientists discovered the age of female sexuality peak

European psychologists and sexologists have recently conducted a large-scale study to find out one thing: what’s the age when women reach the peak of their sexuality. They interviewed more than a thousand ladies aged 21 to 50 and came to surprising results.
The survey showed that the average woman reaches her sexuality peak at 34. According to respondents, this is the age they feel the most desirable, and enjoy sexual intimacy to the fullest. Curiously, the female sexuality peak does not coincide with the age when women’s sexual life is the most intensive: 20-25 years. According to respondents, a woman of this age has sexual intercourse on average 10-12 times per month. The frequency starts gradually declining after 25, and by 30-35 women have sex twice less often. After 45 the average woman has sex 4-5 times a month. The study also showed that women over the age of 30 are more open to sexual experimentation. For instance, they are less opposed to adultery. Some respondents confessed that they saw nothing wrong with having several sexual partners at the same time.

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