Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Former world's fattest woman looking for love after loosing 260kg (photos)

- The world's former fattest woman has lost 260kg and now is looking for a lover

- The woman, aged 40, who was bed bound now spends most of her time in a gym

- "They (men) ask me only for tips for their sisters, aunts, mums," Catrina laughed

Catrina Raiford known as the half-tonne woman or the fattest woman in the world has shed half of her weight.

The 40-year-old hit the international headlines after half of her home had to be bulldozed away so that emergency workers could take her to hospital on a flatbed truck

Completely immobile because of her staggering 470kg weight she developed breathing difficulties and spent days lying in her bed, eating and surfing the internet.
Recalling the past days Catrina said: "I was in bed for so long that now I've lost the weight, I just want to be free.

It was the worst time of my life. I just wanted to die. Each day I'd just eat and go online from morning to night."

Back in the day she used photos of slim women to chat with men over the internet.
But an embarrassing incident with a bulldozer made her to embark on a strict diet and go in for sports.
More than a year after first sharing her story Catrina moved from California to Texas and became a regular visitor of a local gym.

Inspired by her progress, she plans to lose even more weight, have excess skin cut off and reshape her figure.
Moreover, she joined a number of dating sites and even had a number of real life dates.
Now she is hoping to find a love of her life and start a new life.
Being bulldozed out of my house was the worst thing that had ever happened to me. But it was also the thing that saved me. Now I'm a new woman," Catrina said.

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