Thursday, 7 April 2016

French parliament bans paying for sex

The French members of the parliament have passed a law that now makes it illegal to pay for sex. The French members of the parliament have passed a law that now makes it illegal to pay for sex. According to BBC, the bill which, took two years to pass has imposed a fine of up to €3, on anyone caught buying sexual acts. During the final debate, about 60 sex workers demonstrated outside the parliament in Paris. Placards read, “Don’t liberate me, I’ll take care of myself.” Though those in support of the law says it is to minimalize trafficking, the members of the Strass sex workers Union say it will affect the livelihood of prostitutes. The law also stated that foreign prostitutes will be given a temporary residence permit in France if they agree to find jobs outside of prostitution. Speaking to the Associated Press Agency, Maud Oliver, Socialist MP stated that because 85% of prostitutes in France were as a result of human trafficking the law is willing to help prostitutes who are willing to change. “The most important aspect of this law is to accompany prostitutes, give them identity papers because we know that 85% of prostitutes here are victims of trafficking,” Oliver said.

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